
Hello world! My name is Elana Stroud, and I am a startup tech lead at Snowball Wealth. Read on for my story as a developer.

Elana and her crew

I grew up in Los Angeles.

I studied computer science at Johns Hopkins University, and participated in clubs, including my senior year as president of the John Hopkins Outdoors Club (JHOC).

I worked at Seesaw, a K-5 edtech startup in San Francisco, for three years. While at Seesaw, I worked on Seesaw's Android app as a full stack software engineer using Java and Kotlin.

I left Seesaw to work on Snowball Wealth, a fintech startup founded by experienced entrepreneurs Pam Martinez and Tanya Menendez. I currently work at Snowball Wealth as a Lead Software Engineer handling Python, Django, and our mobile app's backend.

I'm looking for my next role! If you're looking for a savvy tech lead for your startup, reach out at [Elana's email].

Brought to you by Josh Stroud © 2023 Elana Stroud